help haiti {round 2}

I've totaled up the bids and we raised $881 for Haiti with our first auction! That is more than I expected to raise, and I am hoping to raise even more with the second auction. And, as an added bonus! My boss, Holly Peterson, owner of The Ball Studio, donated $119 so that we could meet our goal of $1000. Thank you so much, Holly! Now all that remains for the first round is for me to orchestrate the receiving of funds and the shipping of prints, which will probably take a few weeks. I will be emailing winners tonight!

Thanks so much to everyone who bid on the artwork. Thanks to the wonderful artists who made this possible. Thanks to everyone who passed the auction link around to their family and friends. I really appreciate the support, and I am so pleased that we are able to send a nice check to Mercy Corps.

And please! Don't neglect our newest selection of artwork up for auction! The work is fantastic, and there is more to come. Follow us on the RSS feed to keep updated with the new pieces added to the auction.