kate | film {oregon portrait photography}
these are film scans from late summer (i think. it's been awhile). no editing except for a few changes to black and white. photographed in independence, oregon with a hasselblad 501cm using expired kodak/fujicolor film. i think next time i'll keep better notes on what film i used. ;)
[caption id="attachment_1138" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="i am so squinty in this one that kate took! but ella looks cute, so who cares."][/caption]
texas | film {personal}
these belong with a previous post. but since i'm bad about labeling my film and having it processed with any sort of regularity, i just found them recently. 2 frames from texas this summer. photographed with seagull twin-lens.
[caption id="attachment_1143" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="no editing but i did change this one to black and white. guilty."][/caption]