melissa & sean | oswego lake country club {portland wedding photography}

lucky as always to have been able to shoot alongside Jay Eads for this super-gorgeous wedding last August. check out Jay's post here

Melissa and Sean make a wonderful couple and I was really moved by how loved they are by everyone in their lives. Melissa's maids of honor gave one of my favorite toasts ever, and that dance party was crrrrrazy (in the best way possible, of course). I had a lot of favorite images, so please bear with me on the long post, and have a wonderful weekend!

erin & john {portland wedding photography}

it was so fun to 2nd shoot for Lauren Hurt at Erin & John's wedding in January. ​held at the Nines, this stunningly beautiful event was exquisitely planned by Blush Bridal. it was such a pleasure getting to know Erin & John and their friends and family, especially John's hilarious groomsmen, i was seriously laughing the whole day. here are my favorite images from the day - enjoy! check out Lauren's post here. happy weekend!

ethan & katie {oregon wedding photography}

the second of two rainy-day weddings from last winter, this one at Deep Woods in Elmira, 2nd-shot once again for the excellent Jay Eads. these two make an unbelievably cute couple. katie was such a trooper being willing to borrow my rain boots and squelch around for portraits. ethan and katie really wanted to infuse their wedding with a sense of homey comfort - right down to a delicious soup and salad dinner, plus a hot chocolate bar. such a wonderful idea, and the whole day really did feel very warm and homelike!

amy & brian {oregon wedding photography}

one of two rainy-day weddings i 2nd-shot for Jay Eads last winter. held at emerald valley golf & resort, this wedding included a beautiful couple (who were also great sports about the cold weather), a lovely ceremony, and homemade pumpkin pie for dessert (yum)!

kat & kris {bend, oregon wedding photography}

i'm catching up on blogging some of the weddings i 2nd-shot this year. makes me excited for the coming wedding season! this is one from august - a sunshiney bend wedding full of pinwheels, family, great music, great food, and the most fun photo booth i've ever been a part of. i was lucky enough to assist Jay Eads for this one!​