living earth herbs {bellingham commercial photography}

sort of in honor of mother's day - a little photo tour of living earth herbs, which is owned and operated by my mom. she is my natural medicine guru and is the reason i value healthful living, balanced lifestyle, and natural remedies (aside from the fact that it works and keeps me sane). she has made this store into a beautiful, helpful space and i am so happy for her that she is able to serve her community in this way!

if you're in bellingham, check her out for teas, tinctures, spices, flower essences, and much much more. her website is about to undergo a makeover but you can find it here.​

july july {bellingham}

i got to see my family in bellingham twice this month. took some pictures during my dad's birthday party, and on several very pleasant walks around town. even though i've never actually lived there, going there still feels like home because of all of the peace, quiet, and loveliness that comes with hanging out with my family. definitely food for my soul.

holiday in bellingham {personal}

i spent thanksgiving and the first part of chanukah in bellingham with my family. as chaotic as it is to have all of us together, i wouldn't have missed this trip for the world. it took us 9 hours to drive there from corvallis because of the weather - reason #1,000,000,000 why i am not a snow person. but at least we had a day to play in it before it melted away like it had never been there at all!

i was the lame one who took pictures while my sisters and the pups raced about. they tried to get me to have a snowball fight and i ran away squealing like the grinch i truly am.

i have some beautiful sisters!

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one of the nicest parts of the trip were the walks my little sister and i would take with our dogs.

i'll end the post with a cute chalk drawing from a bookstore in fairhaven - it pretty much sums up what the holidays are about for me. even if you've got family drama (show me someone who has a perfect drama-free holiday - i don't believe it exists!), move past it. spend time with the ones you love. don't get too hung up on what things are "supposed" to be like - just remember what matters.

i hope everyone has a wonderful, wonderful holiday and many blessings in the new year.