e {portland portrait photography}

elise is an extremely talented zumba instructor - and totally gorgeous. she wanted some ​shots of her at work in her studio at PSU, as well as some portraits, so we spent some time in and around PSU on a beautiful day in August. can't wait to work with her again soon! :) check out her facebook page for info about her classes. 

Love Lit {Portland Headshot Photography}

Amy and Kaitlin are friends and classmates of mine from college - they are both phenomenal photographers and together they are Love Lit Wedding Photography. I was so excited when they asked me to photograph their business headshots! Check out their work here!

ashley :: sneak peek {oregon headshot photography}

coming to the end of my first week in portland and i'm loving it. love the new apartment, love this city, but most of all i love how refreshed this move has made me. even throughout the mini-freak out moments during the move, i have felt this constant gratitude for having been able to (finally) get here, and the little flashes of awesomeness that keep telling me this was the right decision, that i'm where i'm supposed to be. so here's to new beginnings!

and, of course, a sneak peek of a session from one of my last days in corvallis. ashley and i caught a quick shoot before we got rained out - she's got a flair for outrageous style and was a natural in front of the camera.